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MINDS-i Drones and Robotics Education

MINDS-i prepares your students for the highly technical jobs that are emerging in a world where Smart Cars, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV’s) and many other types of Robots and Drones are becoming commonplace.

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MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Breadboard

This teachers resource Breadboard Lab is designed to accompany the MINDS-i Foundations Curriculum. It is a fully assembled and programmed robotics breadboard designed to aid in teaching programming. The Breadboard allows the teacher and students to physically interact with the sensors on a stationary platform. It can be used as a quick and easy method for checking the students wiring and code.


MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Breadboard Brochure (PDF)

MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Arduino Robot Kit

The 2-in-1 Arduino kit is the perfect entry point for those interested in programming. Build one or two chassis at a time: the Hexabot or the Line Follower. The Hexabot uses cam driven legs to navigate around the room avoiding objects with touch sensors, while the Line Follower uses “light sensing” QTI sensors to follow a path laid out and ultrasound sensors to avoid obstacles. The set includes easy to use visual instructions for building and programming.


MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Arduino Robot Kit Brochure (PDF)

MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Mini Drone Lab and UAV XL Drone Lab

The MINDS-i UAV Mini Drone Lab and UAV XL Drones Lab Curriculum is designed to teach students the complex systems of drone technology aligned with 21st century teaching standards. Designed as an interactive approach to applied learning, students will explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Students will become familiar with the basics of drone systems, robotics, and programming in a team based environment. Each lab is designed for three to five students and includes a half semester (45 Hours) of lesson plans and materials.


MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Mini Drone Lab Brochure (PDF)

MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: UAV XL Drone Lab Brochure (PDF)

MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: UAV Mini + UGV Drones Lab and UAV XL + UGV Drones Lab

The MINDS-i UAV Mini + UGV Drones Lab and UAV XL + UGV Drones Lab are single semester (90 Hours) Labs designed for three to five students. In this course students will become familiar with the basics of Drone robotics and programming in a team based environment. Foundations is the recommended prerequisite to the Drones Lab + Curriculum.


MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: UAV Mini + UGV Drones Lab Brochure (PDF)

MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: UAV XL + UGV Drones Lab Brochure (PDF)

MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Foundations Lab – 4×4 and 6×6

The Foundations Lab 4×4 and Foundations Lab 6×6 are introductions into the world of STEM and Robotics. Both Labs are designed as interactive approaches to applied science, technology, engineering and math. In these courses students will become familiar with the basics of robotics and programming in a team based environment. Each lab is one semester (90 Hour), and is designed for three to five students.


MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Foundations Lab – 4×4 Brochure (PDF)

MINDS-i STEM Integrated Robotics: Foundations Lab – 6×6 Brochure (PDF)

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