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Roland MDX milling machines

Roland MDX milling machines – the perfect solution for subtractive rapid prototyping!

Source “Carving a Path to Success.” Customer Success Stories. Roland, January 18, 2017.

The Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Calif., consistently ranked as one of the top design schools worldwide, focuses on teaching their students “real world” applications and skills. The Art Center developed a 3D Lab for just this purpose. Included in the Lab’s tool kit are two Roland MDX milling machine systems.

Jason Pilarski, now a professor of environmental design at the school, helped develop the Lab almost a decade ago. “We needed a prototyping machine that the students could operate themselves,” said Pilarski. “The MDX milling machines allow the students to quickly and easily make their designs. They are the perfect answer to our subtractive rapid prototyping needs.”

The MDX machines are so popular among the students that they often run 24 hours a day. Easy fabrication on the MDX allows students to run multiple iterations and quickly refine their designs. “Many of our students are familiar with SRP technology as an extension of their CAD/CAM modeling,” said Pilarski. “The students really fall in love with this machine.”

Pilarski notes that experience with SRP technology gives new graduates an advantage in the marketplace. “Equipment like the MDX allows new designers to compete against more established firms without making a huge investment in tooling,” said Pilarski. “They can produce high quality designs while remaining agile and responsive.”

Read Roland’s full article here.