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Alternate Energy Trainers by Marcraft

Alternate Energy Trainers by Marcraft

For over 30 years, Marcraft International Corporation has been producing electronics, computer, IT and mobile electronics training programs that excel in the classroom environment. They engineer and design the lab hardware, software and courseware materials for use in career and technical education schools around the globe.For over 30 years, Marcraft International Corporation has been producing electronics, computer, IT and mobile electronics training programs that excel in the classroom environment. They engineer and design the lab hardware, software and courseware materials for use in career and technical education schools around the globe.

Marcraft realizes the need for education within the new “Green” realm and to meet the current demand, they have introduced the following technology training tools: Green Technology, Solar Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal, Wind Power, Fuel Cell, Biofuels, Hydro Power, Energy Auditing and Conservation, Green Building Concepts, and more.

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